Sobriety, Part Six
This was originally written and posted as a series on Instagram on October 31st, 2021

It was only when I removed alcohol from my life, that I was able to see just how much space it was taking up.
All those little spaces…
Well, they feel empty for a little while.
But eventually, those spaces fill in again.
For me, those spaces filled up with better habits, self love, confidence, the desire to learn new skills, podcasts and books, a yoga and meditation practice, journaling, good sleep…I could go on forever.
Parts of my life that were there before, but I had always lacked the energy or motivation to develop and nurture. Things that always seemed impossible to see through, things that were always on the back burner, all of a sudden got moved up to the front.
I got moved up to the front.
Christmas brought similar feelings to Thanksgiving, but I felt prepared this time around. I normally get some serious blues the day after Christmas, and for the first time ever, I didn’t have any of that. No hangover, sulking or feeling down in the dumps. I felt so solid and connected.
But then New Year’s came.