Sobriety, Part Five
This was originally written and posted as a series on Instagram on October 30th, 2021

I found that the more events like that that I powered through, and the more times I woke up in the morning proud and hangover free, the more confident I got in knowing that I could do this. Each time I felt more accomplished, strong, and aligned.
I started to think about alcohol less, and eventually I stopped dreading social gatherings. I actually look forward to social gatherings now because they’re intentional, not draining.
But I think the biggest thing that helped me through this was the deeper connection I was making with myself. Not only did I feel good in my body, but I had finally gotten to a point where I was learning to trust my intuition. I knew that I needed to listen to my gut and nothing else.
I deeply held on to the time I spent with myself in the morning. Those early moments had become so sacred to me, I couldn’t fathom doing anything to mess that up. In addition to the connection I was making to myself, I started to notice that my connections with others were getting deeper too. I was becoming a more present and thoughtful partner and friend, surface level conversations seemed to disappear from my life, and I actually remembered all my interactions and conversations.
The day after Thanksgiving, I decided I wanted to continue through to the new year.